Lost and Found

I knew arriving early at the commuter lot would give me time to explore some of the 13,200 acres that connects seven towns and boasts about it's 17.6 miles of trails!!  

How could I not want to explore? So, turning onto one of the many gravel roads, I anxiously made my way through the dense forest and found that driving on the well-worn dirt roads avoiding the potholes became my focus.  Seeing numerous hunters along the way, as it was the first weekend for hunting, I immediately thought of the fact that I'd just given my orange vests to my son and daughter. Oh well, no big deal.  After all I'm not getting out of the car.

Navigating the windy roads filled with deep ruts crusted over with ice that had formed from the previous day's heavy rains, I suddenly realized that I had lost track of time and needed to head back to our meeting place.  Looking at my phone, I realized I'd forgotten to mark my location when I first arrived...UGH!!!

Hmmmmm??? Which way did I come in?  Unable to distinguish which road I came in on, it didn't take long for me to realize I was lost.  A feeling of insignificance came over me as I took each turn, unsure of how I'd gotten there.

However, when I saw the two white pick-up trucks and the hunters, I breathed a sigh of relief.  Asking them directions to the "main road,"I couldn't help but notice one of them roll their eyes before saying, "Give us another 5 minutes to pack up and then you can follow us out.  We're going that way."  

Yes, I trusted them.  Why?  Intuition...and the fact that they looked like a "father and son team," although I will admit while following them, a thought crossed my mind...hmmmm, here I am following two strangers out of the woods.  Oh, stop worrying...follow your gut.

My cell rang and seeing that incoming call was from "Boss, aka Eagle One", I then heard, "Eagle Two, this is Eagle One...where are you?"

"I'm lost Boss."

"Well where are YOU?"

"Boss, if I KNEW where I was I wouldn't be lost!  I'm in the woods following two hunters both driving white pick-ups.  If you don't see me soon, come looking!"

Before long, I could see the paved road in the distance as well as the group of fellow hikers that I was joining to enjoy the 5 mile excursion.  See, I wasn't lost after all for now, thanks to the help of strangers, I was found.

seeing, saying, and sharing...

with you and those at

HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone...:)


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