Summer Leftovers

Being so preoccupied with Fall and road trips, learning to use my camera and the change in laptops, I haven't spent much time in my own back yard relaxing. Today, what I have for are a few shots taken over the Summer.

First up is, of course, the Rose Breasted Grosbeak which has become a regular here each Summer.  Perhaps that is because of their success in producing offspring.  Being surrounded by woods with lots of underbrush and wetlands located within close proximity, the habitat is ideal for them as well as the Eastern Towhees.

Included in my picks is my infamous Bluebird and it's playmate, "the bird bomb".

Not to under rated is the American Goldfinch.  Cheery and busy little critters they seem to listen to the Black-Capped Chickadees when they sound an alert near the feeders.
The excessively chatty Wrens that nest wherever and whenever an opportunity exists always amaze me with their energy.

Lastly and one of my long-time favorites because of all the bugs and moths they devour is a shot of an Eastern Phoebe.

just seeing, saying, and sharing...

Summer Leftovers

with you and those at


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