The Four B's

BLOOMS...I had a few so far this year...poppies for the first time EVER and I LOVED them; my Strawberry Bushes were loaded sending the smell of fresh strawberries throughout "my space"; and now the Black-Eyed Susans and Echinacea are absolutely spellbinding.

The next "B" which I cannot forget about are the BIRDS...(what would I do without them?)...the Eastern Bluebirds, The Rose Breasted Grosbeaks and the Eastern Phoebes...I adore them all...:)

And now, with the heat and so many sunny days, we have the BUGS, and BUTTERFLIES...(although I could probably have done without that giant beetle clinging to one of my grasses while I was watering!)

just seeing, saying, and sharing...

The Four B's

with you and those at


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