Perfect Timing

Earlier this week, we had one morning where we had "air".  Positive you all know what I'm talking about, I won't dwell on how flippin' hot and humid it's been here or that the weekend is to be excessive but rather let's think cool.  Let's think air.  Let's think about an actual breeze that makes you think you should have brought a long sleeve shirt with you.  In fact, before I unloaded my gear, I took a few shots while still on shore, finding the early morning dew on the pines refreshed both them and myself.

When I returned from grabbing my dry bags from the front seat and opened the hatch of the car, I had my first passenger...LOL!  The kayak was still in the car and this guy wanted a ride down to the water.  

Using the collapsible wheels for only the second time this year, they seemed to do the job they were designed for, although I'm still not convinced on their dependability.  However, they are lighter and collapsible so they can be placed in your kayak and used if portage becomes necessary.

Once out on the water, and seeing that I virtually had the whole place to myself, I savored each and every breath as the light breeze continued to blow tossing my hair almost constantly.  It felt WONDERFUL!!

After paddling about two hours, I headed back to shore only to find that the fishermen were just arriving. Perfect timing, I thought.

just seeing, saying, and sharing...

Perfect Timing 

with you and those at


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