Hungry Buggers

Hot, humid and what almost seems like a lack of air has been exhausting, hasn't it?  Discovering that if I waited to do about an hour or two of yard work until after 7 pm it was a little easier, that's what I've been doing.  Well, that and fighting those darn Japanese Beetles, who virtually destroyed some of my perennials, has been keeping me busy in the evenings.  The once lush greenery became skeletonized and the flowers were literally shredded by the hungry buggers!! 

While the Cardinals seem to be enjoying the caterpillars that have recently emerged, the robins, sparrows, catbirds, woodpeckers, and blue-jays are having a field day with the beetles.

just seeing, saying, and sharing...
Hungry Buggers
with you and those at

Watching this little Downy Woodpecker one afternoon pick away at the post holding the Wren's abode, I  couldn't help but think, "what hungry buggers they are too."


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