Four years ago, one of my neighbors moved.  She and her husband were the first ones to welcome us to the neighborhood when we moved in eight years ago.  When I showed them the house that evening, she never got over it.  Then fours years ago, they contracted my builder to build them a new home only a few miles from here.

Before they moved, she asked me to come down to the house because she "had a few things" for me.  Giving me a few cuttings from her houseplants, she then handed me a pot holding a three foot tall Jasmine, saying, "East window, the aroma is great, let it climb up on itself."

Well for three and a half years, I took care of the "climber" and although it grew nicely, never was there one bloom...not a one.  Fast forward to the arrival of Katniss last Fall and the fact that for some reason, she would always try to chew the leaves of that particular plant.  Out came the spray bottle of water...over and over again...hoping it would serve as a deterrent.

Finally I asked my daughter if she would like a new plant for her sun room, telling her that it never flowered.  She agreed to take it off my hands. guessed it.  A few weeks ago, my daughter sent me a pic after telling me how fragrant her plant was.  "Mom, the aroma is amazing and fills the whole house."

just seeing, saying, and sharing...

For HER It Bloomed

with you and those at


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