Charming Chimes

When we lived in Virginia we met Buddy and Nancy who lived on our gravel road...just at the opposite end.  Welcoming us like family from day one (even though we were "Yankees" ), we were always invited to each family gathering they had.  At one of their gatherings, Buddy asked me to come into the garage because he had something for me....something he'd made from old silverware purchased at garage sales...wind-chimes!!!

Buddy was one of the most charming men I've ever met in my life.  He had a hard life growing up and working the coal mines in West Virginia.  Telling us stories and reminiscing about his life, he his wife and two terrific sons and their families always made us feel welcome.  

The wind-chimes hung in our yard in Virginia for 8 1/2 years and are now hanging here at this home in Connecticut.  However, last week I relocated them because I wanted them to catch wind from the North.  (Each set of wind-chimes I have has a different sound and each is hung in it's designated location so I know which way the wind is blowing.)

just seeing, saying and sharing...

Charming Chimes

with you and those at


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