Better Than Any Movie

Watching what goes on outside my slider has always been a favorite pastime when I'm up in the kitchen or DR.  All I have to do is look at Katniss and watch her body language, and I can tell there is something "out there that's better than any movie"on TV.

First there's one of my favorite visitors...the darn rabbits.  As you can one of the adults has become very brazen.  I'm waiting for it to come up to the slider and confront Katniss.  When she spots "Harry" she no longer bristles her tail or twitches the tip** incessantly.  Not only do we have adults that made an awesome den underneath my triangle of hydrangeas, the babies have been running amok too!  

Then this week, not only was the lone turkey I called a "looser" last year, it brought it's family to visit the base of the bird feeders.  Just what I need more losers who cannot find their way out of the yard!!

just seeing, saying, and sharing...

Better Than Any Movie

with you and those at

**Image result for cats tails meaning


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