Variety...The Spice of Life

From toads scaring the you know what out of me while I was weeding the upper garden to the serene setting of a grazing horse, it's all here for the taking.  Then back home early one morning Katniss and I spotted on the far side of the fence the young jake dashing through the ferns taking cover quickly in the brush.

Surprised one morning by this interesting opossum, I was glad to see it digging up the yard.  They love grubs, which I hate.

"Fill your belly, my friend."

Another evening as the Pres and I watched the tube, a loud hammering noise could be heard through the slider.  Returning almost daily, it would stop occasionally and look up at the carved Eagle, then return to drilling.  

With all the bugs and moths around, the Eastern Phoebes, Bluebirds, Catbirds, Sparrows and Blue Jays are very active.

just seeing, saying, and sharing...

Variety...The Spice of Life

with you and those at


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