
Many, many years ago when my kids and I lived in the newly built low income housing complex, I met Gary.  Moving in to the three bedroom apartment with a full basement was a life changer for me.  I would no longer have to chose between buying food or paying my rent to avoid eviction and becoming very good friends with my next door neighbors, I not only now had them in my life but also had the maintenance supervisor living right next to me.

This week I learned of his passing which brought so many memories to the forefront of my mind.  The handsome, blue-eyed, well built man had helped me several times over the years.  He was a good friend who always had a kind word and smile no matter how bad things got.  The three of us hung out together...at my house for coffee and me at theirs. 

Once, after I slipped in mud puddle and fell on the paved walk, I had to have him take me to the ER because what I thought was a bad sprain was actually a severely smashed wrist.  Walking into the house, I told my kids not to worry...that I had just landed incorrectly on my wrist trying to brace my fall.  However, hours later when the swelling and pain became unbearable, I called Gary.  He was at my door in minutes. 

This calm, cool blue-eyed man did not have a mean bone in his body and would do whatever he could to help.  In fact, that night, he even offered to stay with me while I was at the ER which I declined because he had to go to work the next morning and his wife was home with her daughter and also checking on my kids who were now sound asleep.

Going through my old photos, I decided that this pic was Gary...my calm, cool, handsome , blue-eyed friendLoved you, Bro...:)


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