Another Hatch

Last Summer I had the opportunity to meet Donald Hopkins, founder of the Bald Eagle Study Group (of which I am a member).   Although I only knew him briefly, I will never forget him.  Don was a remarkable man.  Serving as a Marine in the capture of Okinawa in 1945, he later became well renowned for his studies of the Bald Eagle.  In fact, he discovered the first Bald Eagle here in CT in 1975. 

"He co-founded the New England Hawk Watch Committee in 1971, and co-founded the Hawk Migration Association of North America in 1974. In 1993, he was awarded the Maurice Brown award for his work on raptor migration, and in 1994 he was awarded the Mabel Osgood Wright award by the Connecticut Ornithology Association. 

He published more than a dozen papers regarding his studies of bald eagles, and received letters of recognition from professional wildlife societies for his work. He was most proud of locating the first bald eagle nest in Connecticut following 40 years of their absence, and founding the Connecticut Bald Eagle Study Group. In 1996, he received the Watershed Protection Award from the Metropolitan District Commission for his long term monitoring work studying eagles on the District's land."

Having the privilege of attending his memorial service, I saw so many familiar faces that I have had the opportunity to meet during my involvement with Eagles.  One of those people was a woman who I've mentioned numerous times to you, the owner and founder of Horizon Wings (raptor rehabilitation & education).

Reaching out to Mary-Beth for the complete story, and permission to tell it here, she wrote: "Hatch was found last August at the Kensington hatchery. He had fledged from the nest there into a fenced in area. When attempting to get out he became stuck in the fence, severely damaging his wrist. As a result the tip of his right wing had to be amputated leaving him partially flighted , and unable to return to the wild. He was approximately 4 months old at the time. The first egg being laid on 2/28 in that nest. (Thank you Mike O'Leary for that information." 

So, when Mary-Beth got the call about an injured juvenile Eagle, he knew she would place him at her facility.  Everything seemed to fall into place.  Don passed away last August; this fledgling was found last August.  Now seven months later, Hatch, as he was named, resides at Horizon (adopt him here...Adopt a Bird - Horizon Wings.)  In honor of Don, who she worked with and knew for years, she took his surname.  Hence the name...Hatch Hopkins. 

Meanwhile, at the nest I'm monitoring...we have yet another hatch!  I believe there may be two chicks.  When a bird is "sitting high", it means they are on chicks.  Taking the behavior of the bird on 04/03 into consideration, I strongly believe it was sitting on one hatch and one egg. The above pic was taken 04/07 which gave the second egg time to hatch.  
just seeing, saying, and sharing...
Another Hatch
with you and those at

The Bird D'Pot
Natures Notes 


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