Thank YOU

Filled with sad (and bad) news, my last post was a while ago.  Because of that, I received SO MANY well wishes, thoughts and prayers, that my heart literally felt like the Grinch's when he went into Whoville coming down Mt Crumpet.  His heart grew three times that day and mine did as grew and grew and filled with a "pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again attitude."  

(Say, what do you think of the heart formed by snowflakes in a recent snow-squall?  Although the Pres could not understand why I just had to go stand in it, I knew I had to.)

Katniss is doing well.  The additional dewormer, probiotics and anti-fungal oral suspension seem as if they worked.  Although all she did was sleep, I watched her like a hawk.

She's finally gaining weight like she should be and her blood counts, and iron levels are FINALLY where they belong...:)

just seeing, saying and sharing...

Thank YOU

with you and those at 


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