Breeding Grounds

This week, I thoroughly enjoyed watching the doe and her twins foraging along the perimeter of the yard.  While the photos are not the best, they hopefully send the message of peace and tranquility presented by Mother Nature.


Their mom brought up the rear and slowly began to step out into the open.  Through the haze, I finally got her.  They're the ones who ate my hydrangeas!

I had been concerned about this doe and her twins.  At first, I was seeing them on a regular basis.  Then nothing.  One day when I came home from the gym the Pres told me that he saw the doe and one fawn.  I was worried something had happened to the other fawn.  You see, our resident Bobcat has been seen twice in the past week.

A few days later, I spotted a doe and one fawn wander through right after the doe and her twins.

just seeing, saying, sharing...

Breeding Grounds

with you and those at


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