
Telling the Pres to take heed early in the growing season as his nuts began forming on the hazelnut trees did neither one of us any good.  As always, he chose not to listen and, after several sincere attempts to protect his nuts, I soon became frustrated.  

Refusing to be the one to place protective netting over the trees, I continued to watch his trees produce the mouthwatering clusters. 

I also continued to watch the squirrels.  A few weeks ago, I noticed two squirrels coming and going, going and coming, coming and going.  Each and every morning and evening, they would appear.  Entering through the back fence, one would scurry over to the hazelnut trees and leap into the branches laden with nuts.

Emerging within a minute or two, clutching it would then begin to look for the right spot in the yard to bury it's treasure.

No, not here.

Finding what it apparently thought was the perfect spot, it would begin digging.

Then the leaping would start.  Although I have no idea WHY, these leaps of joy were part of the process each and every day.

Finally after days of watching them take turns jumping into the hazelnut trees, I would say things like, "The squirrels are out there again," the Pres moved.  Looking out the kitchen window and watching the squirrels scamper gleefully after burying their stolen goods, he FINALLY saw what was happening for himself.  Then, settling back down in his chair, he resumed working the crossword puzzle.


"Ahhhhhh...break time.  It's a lot easier to dig in this loose red mulch on such a hot day, humid day."

Days passed...mornings, evenings...and the pair of squirrels continued to work.  Then one day, after saying, "Now there are four squirrels out there.  I think they invited the neighborhood to the giveaway,"  the Pres moved.  This time he went outside.

Unfortunately, although the squirrels disappeared through the fence deep into the woods when the Pres approached, the saga continues.

To be honest, I find it rather entertaining when I'm in the kitchen.

just seeing, saying, and sharing...


with you and those at


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