Seeds of Friendship

Delicate, fragrant, and colorful, Bee Balm loves it here as long as it gets good air circulation to prevent mildew.  I, however, prefer to call it "Monarda".  Although I have no idea why other than I like the sound of the word as it rolls off my tongue.


As you can see, the hummingbirds love it as much as I do.  Making frequent visits to the various patches I have around the yard keeps them busy.

Something very interesting happened recently that I'd like to tell you about.  My BFFs took a trip out West.  A few days after their return she and I met for breakfast at our regular spot to play catch up.  Before we went in, she opened my car door and placed a big bag on the back seat. (She doesn't ask...she just opens...LOL!)

"What's that?"I asked.

"A bag of stuff " she replied. (whenever she finds stuff in her house she no longer wants, she gives it to me.  Although she once told me that my house is like a "Hallmark Shop,"I think she thinks of me more like a Salvation Army or Goodwill.)  Well, the bag of stuff turned out to be souvenirs for us from their trip.

Fast forward a few days later and guess what I planted? 


just seeing, saying and sharing...

Seeds of Friendship

with you and those at


Weekend Reflections

Our World Tuesday

One more thing.  In the twenty five years we've been friends, I never told her how much I love the sound of the word "monarda." If you're not humming the theme from "Twilight Zone," I think you should now.


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