Personal Preference: Shades of Sunshine

These are one of my favorite Summer flowers.

Black-Eyed Susans are just so bright, so yellow they generate happiness, don't you think?    Watching them blow in the breeze that afternoon was pretty mesmerizing....until I spotted the adorable yellow  American Gold Finch.  

Nearly incognito among the flower heads, it picked and pecked energetically at the seed then flew toward the feeders as if spreading it's sunshine.  Moments later, it would return to the real thing...homegrown, fresh, delectable, tantalizing seed.

These waxy looking buds never cease to impress me even before they open.  Soon to be fully bloomed Tansy, it is yet another yellow flower along my upper stonewall where the soil is poor.  Yet the sun overs seem to love it.  All these years, I never realized how many shades of sunshine I had planted util recently.

Tickseed...a good, old fashioned, reliable variety of Coreopsis but another yellow, bright flower radiating hope and optimism for the week of rain predicted.

just seeing, saying, and sharing...

Personal Preference:
Shades of Sunshine

with you and those at


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