Long Necks on Short Cuts

Out this way driving on back roads happens frequently in order to avoid the main roads used by commuters.  Short cuts never cease to amaze me because there always seems to be something new popping up along the way to my friend's house for instance.

The other day, driving along the river, as I rounded the bend, a huge white bird was crossing the road.   Taking these pix with my cell, I'm still wondering what it is.  Do you think it's a turkey?

I know this is a peacock as are the next shots.  They followed the white bird across the road as I sat patiently in the car with the hazard lights on.  Walking down the driveway from a house up on the hill, they are all domestic birds.  As they disappeared down the bank toward the river hoped I would see them again and continued on to Carol's.

seeing, saying, and sharing...

Long Necks on Short Cuts

with you and those at


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