Sunrise, Sunset

Last month, when I got my electric bill I noticed a mistake.  At first, I thought is was a typo.  While the "Sub-total read $19.25", the "Total read $19.26."
It was off by .01.  However, as usual, I scheduled the auto bill pay to give them the extra penny.  I mean really..."it's on'y a penny," I thought.

Now please understand, the reason our bill is so low, as most of you know, is that we have solar, which for the past two years gives us enough energy to simply pay the monthly $19.25 to "remain on the grid."  Actually, I think over the two years, I did pay $24.56 one month because our production ran a tad short that Winter.

Well, after I scheduled the payment, my old accounting/banking background kicked in and just wouldn't leave me alone.  I couldn't stop thinking about that darn penny!   My analytical mind then took the time to find out that the company that services us also services 3.7 million electric and gas customers across CT, MA and NH.

Then I did the math.  That's what drove me to the decision to contact Customer Service.  I scooted an email to them pointing out the one cent error.  That was several weeks ago.  To my surprise, I received a very nice "thank you" along with "the issue will be addressed with the billing department".  

So in case you're not a math whiz, assuming that each bill generated had the once cent error, that would add up to $37,000.00!

just seeing, saying, and sharing...

Sunrise, Sunset

with you and those at


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