Habitat Matters

Wondering why I see so many Red-tailed and Red-shouldered Hawks is the reason the Google search began.  While it started with the species, it ended with one simple word...HABITAT.

"Uh-duh,"  said to myself as I began to read exactly what and how various species are affected by their habitat....including all my hawk sightings. 

Although I am immediately surrounded by woods, there are open fields very close by and "as the crow flies", they prove to be an ideal hunting ground for the Red-tails.   

Furthermore, the habitat around here is great for hawks...tall trees, deciduous woodlands with a river near by.  Plus we're on a ridge thick with both deciduous and tall, majestic white pines making it ideal for the Red-shoulder Hawks. 

So, while I continue to work on my backyard bird sanctuary, which included the recent addition of a Christmas tree from a friend to the enormous brush pile used for shelter by all the "little ones," I am glad that the "natural environment" has proven to be the main attraction to these two species of broad-winged raptors (Buteos).

After all, they were the first two broad-winged species I learned to identify after I joined a birding club when living in Virginia.   At one meeting when they discussed their upcoming participation in a National Hawk Count that took place on the Blue Ridge Parkway I was invited to attend.  

That day (Fall Hawk Watch), with all those experienced birders, I listened, watched, observed and learned as they counted hundreds of hawks migrating through the pass.  As each group passed, they would call out...immature eagle, "juvie" red-tail, red-shoulder, "bv", "tv" and the list went on.  (If you have a chance, take a peek at my old post just to see the numbers counted...incredible.)

Yes, was the stepping stone for my involvement with raptors today.

Image result for national hawk survey blue ridge virginia

Hence, the definition of HABITAT:

a person's usual or preferred surroundings;

the natural home or environment for an animal, plant or other organism

just seeing, saying, and sharing...

Habitat Matters

with you and those at

Oh, one more thing. speaking of "counts", this coming weekend I will be participating in another annual National Eagle Survey.  As of today, the forecast is rain turning to sleet and ice.  


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