What's Dead In The Woods
Quite a bit has been going on here at the edge of the woods. However, today I want to point out something else.
The first is simply to show you how the brush pile is growing, and growing. A result of the trees cut down earlier this year and the recent addition of dead branches and limbs because of the storms, this larger one will be burned.
The smaller ones scattered strategically around the perimeter will stay as is, serving as cover for "the critters." That was one of the things that I learned when I attended that four day program at Great Mountain Forest a few years ago.
Another topic that was talked about at great length were "invasive species." Since that eye -opening experience, the focus for me has been Japanese Barberry and Japanese Bittersweet.
I am more that please to tell you that we've been nipping them in the bud over the past few years. In fact, we've made tremendous progress! The photos below depict the amount of "DEAD Japanese Barberry" located on our property. It is nearly complete.
Did you know that although Japanese Barberry is used by many as shrubs in their yards, it is literally a "tick magnet?" The logic is simple: an invasive plant that is a tick magnet = KILL, ANNILIATE, ERADICATE
Several methods are popular: burning with torches, acceptable herbicides, removal of root system (which is extensive, I might add). The Pres chose herbicide (even though I was against it). Well, it worked.
just seeing, saying, and sharing...
What's Dead In The Woods
with you and those at