My Candy

Last week, a few days after Halloween, I babysat my granddaughter.  As usual, after homework, we played.  We wrestled with each other and the stuffed animals...LOL.  It was while we were taking a break that this conversation began.

Mia: said, "Nana, do you like Whoppers?"
Me:  "Yes, I love Whoppers."
Mia:  "Do you like Mr Goodbars?"
Me:  "Yes."
Mia: "Do you like York Peppermint Patties?"
Me:  "Yes."
Mia: "Do you like Milk Duds?"
Me:  Yes."
Mia:  Do you like Twizzlers?"
Me:  "I love Twizzlers."

As I walked back into the kitchen, Mia held out two zip lock bags at arm's length out in front of her.  Filled with an assortment of miniature goodies she placed them on the counter next to my keys.

Me:  "Mia, that is so nice of you to share your Halloween candy with Nana.  Thank you."

Mia:  "Oh, I didn't take it from my bowl.  I took it from Daddy's.  He won't mind."

On my two hour drive home, I replayed the event in my mind.  Smiling, I thought...I'm glad I taught my son to share

just seeing, saying, and sharing...

My Candy

with you and those at


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