
Yep.  It was time for the "top swap" for the '98 Wrangler that now belongs to my son.  Each Spring, he stops by with the Sahara and he and the Pres make the Jeep ready for Summer fun.  This year, it was really rather comical to listen and watch the boys because I heard things like:

The Pres:  Where's the bag with all the screws in it?
ME:  It should be with the windows...however my answer was not heard by either!!!
My son:  Mom, do you know where it is?
My son:  It wasn't at my house.
The Pres:  Well, it's not here.
The Pres:  Okay, I'll go look again.  Okay, I found it...wrapped inside the windows.

Then the next mission was to try out each and every attachment that came with the newly repaired weed eater...the edger, the trimmer, the tiller, the brush cutter...revving the engine every now and then.

Boy, I'm going to go to town with this when I get it home!

just seeing, saying, and sharing...


with you and those at


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