Every Watt Counts

When I received the email, I was, I'll admit, reluctant to open it.  Like many, many others, due to all the recent alerts being given to PC, mobile phone, and tablet users, hoping for the best, I finally decided to just do open it.

Well, it was from Chris who was calling my attention to a link I had posted on my blog back in 2014...a link that was no longer valid.  In the email, he included the valid link as well,  Off I went to check it out...my old post, the old link and the new link. 

Finding out he was right, I removed and replaced the old incorrect link with the new link (the one shown below).  Doing so made me think just a little harder about the energy we use. 

The Pres and I have always been energy conscious.  In fact, I recently ordered LED replacements for my electric candle lights I have in all the windows.

So, would swapping out your old Incandescent light bulbs and CFL bulbs, be a step in the right direction?  ABSOLUTELY!!! 

just seeing, saying, and sharing...

Every Watt Counts

with you and those at


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