Sick As A Dog

Laying low for 11 days, I got nothing (and I mean nothing!) done. It's hard to admit it, however, I think I overdid it when the snowstorms hit us two weeks ago.   Shoveling and trying to maneuver the 350 lb snowblower didn't help I'm sure.  Nor did the snowshoeing I did, although I enjoyed every minute while trekking through the heavy, deep snow.

First it was my aching body and back...

Monday, the 13th, after taking the dogs out for their first "relief," walking on the icy paths was not exactly easy, but we managed to make it back to the house. It was after they ate breakfast and we're ready for their second jaunt that it happened. Picking up my leg to put my boot on, I felt a twinge in my back. Weird I thought.

However, it was when the dogs and I came back in that I realized just how much my back hurt. I popped an Aleve, put on my back belt and jammie's and announced to the Pres I wouldn't be going to the gym.  Lying on the floor with legs propped up on the coffee table, the outfit seemed to be just what I needed.

And then, to make it worse...

The following day I developed a dry cough for a few days which then turned into what I thought was a cold.   However, after eight days of running a low temp around dinner time, sweating at night, a loss of appetite and my blowing and coughing like crazy, I caved and headed to the doctors.  

Telling him that I'd been using my netti pot daily, drinking lots of fluids and trying to stay quiet, I still felt lousy, he informed me that although I'd done a "bang up job keeping it at bay," I needed some meds.  Explaining that this "virus" I had would work itself out, he then told me that for every  year over 50 you are, the chances increase to develop a bacterial infection (like bronchitis or pneumonia).  Hence, I was put of a very strong antibiotic, which has helped somewhat but also seems to be causing my stomach discomfort.

just seeing, saying and sharing...
Sick As A Dog

with you and those at


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