Town or Country

My son had told his wife that on Sunday, while they went to their birthday party, he would be going to Columbia to pick up some parts for his 19 year old car.  My granddaughter overheard their conversation.  (Eight year olds today are very perceptive, you know.  I know this because of the things she says to me when I babysit!  I also know that I was not that smart at eight!!)

Anyway, fast forward to Sunday morning when my son was making pancakes for Mia.  She said, "So Daddy today's the day you're going to Venezuela, right?  When will you be back?"

Image result for columbia

Keeping a straight face, my son answered his concerned 8 year old.   "No Mia, Daddy's not going to Venezuela today.  I am going to Columbia."

"Well isn't Columbia right near Venezuela, Daddy?"

"It is Mia.  But Daddy's not going to the country of Columbia.  Daddy's going to the town of Columbia.  That's not far from Nana's."

"Oh good.  I was worried you would be gone for a few days."

I am still laughing over that one!!!!

just seeing, saying and sharing...

Town or Country

with you and those at 


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