The View

Sitting on the "throne" that morning, I pushed the old, lace curtain aside to peek out the bathroom window. The view from the throne is always intriguing.  It faces the woods.  

It is not unusual for me to see the seven or eight gray squirrels (which I have now named after the seven dwarfs) scampering about. Once standing up, I watched as Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and Sneezy scurried up and down the tree trunks, jumped the old pile of log remains and scale the brush piles over and over.  They are such vivacious rascals!

And it was while standing that I noticed the lump on the branch in the distant pine.

Now that the leaves have all fallen, it is much easier to peer into the tree line. 

 At first it was one...sitting on the pine branch in the lookout tree. Minutes later, it was joined by it's mate.  Facing North, they sat surveying their territory.

And so they sat, quietly, side by side, enjoying their view until the female took flight about twenty minutes later, banked to the right and soared over our yard in the direction of the river.

just seeing, saying and sharing

The View

with you and those at


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