The One That Got Away

After seeing the itinerary offered for the month of November at the nearby forest where I occasionally like to hangout, I thought this would be interesting.... Small Mammal Observations and Trapping...why not?  Anyway it was a beautiful day to be outside and the walk would be done in a few hours.

Off I went.  Well protected from ticks, I noticed I was the only one with tall boots on.  Oh well, better safe than sorry, I thought as I joined the rest of the crowd in the meeting room.  Of course, I had the camera and the excursion also gave the chance to try out my new camera strap.

The gentleman conducting the survey had completed a study on small mammals in the area.  He had intentionally set out twelve traps the previous afternoon.  As a group we would locate the traps, examine the mammal inside for various data then release them back into their natural habitat.

It was extremely chilly that morning and being overcast, it remained chilly...around 32 if I remember correctly.  Unfortunately, two traps we came across contained white footed mice...frozen.  Too late to save them, he set them aside along the trail as a snack of natural predators.

Trekking through the woods, each critter was examined carefully.  This little Vole was such a feisty fellow.  Given the chance he would have bitten Brad if he had the opportunity! 

One of the cutest things that happened was "the one that got away."  Before Brad had a chance to get the bag up to the trap's opening, the mouse inside shot out!  Tumbling to the ground and looking a little stunned at first, it regained it's composure and made a beeline for a nearby dead timber covered in leaves and forest debris.  

just seeing, saying and sharing

The One That Got Away 

with you and those at

Oh, the things I learned that morning!  

Did you know that a mice can carry virus'...dangerous to humans? Hantavirus3 Major Diseases Caught From Mice.  Did you know that if you have mice in your home and catch one in a trap, after you dispose of the dead mouse, use the same trap...not a clean one.  The urine scent attracts other mice.  Just remember to wear rubber gloves when handling the traps!


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