Pete's Place

Well, it really isn't his.  You see, the land doesn't belong to Pete.  It's just that it's not far from Pete's place.  In fact, it's right next door.  It is a small piece of a non-profit 501 land trust operating in Northeast Connecticut, the purpose of which is to help conserve property of historic or natural interest, known as Joshua's Trust.

So, when he told me about it last week at the gym, I decided to take a walk on the trails while the Pres stayed home and mowed the lawn for the last time (he hopes).  Pete had assured me that I wouldn't get lost.  "The trails just loop around.  You'll be fine."

 And so I began following the trail with the sun on my left.  Trying to pay attention to my surroundings as I navigated the sometimes rocky trail, it was when I heard the Robins that my focus changed.  They were everywhere!  Tons of them.


Before I knew it, I was at a crossroads in the trail with a sign that I just couldn't ignore.  However, at the marsh I saw nothing.  Other than "their song" telling me that the marsh was well inhabited, not one bird made a move!!

About an hour had passed and now I found myself plodding uphill.  Crossing stonewall after stonewall I realized I hadn't seen the painted trail sign in quite a while.  Pulling out my cell phone and tapping the "compass," I was not happy when I discovered that it wasn't working.  Yet although Pete's words kept playing in my'll be fine...the trails loop around, now I was beginning to wonder where the loop went!

But it was when I spotted the bluebird box that I knew I was not a goner.  The sun, now on my right and I was heading in the right direction.

When I saw the gate up ahead and a house in the distance, I knew I would soon be back where I started, although I passed no gate when I entered.

just seeing, saying and sharing...

Pete's Place

with you and those at

(hoping this gate counts as a "fence")


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