So, Where's My Kids?

Nearly every day, since my neighbor got her goats, I've been stopping by to visit.  Oh, not to visit my visit "the kids."

 As I come through the woods and round the corner to begin walking across the yard toward their pen, I say shout out...

"Where's my kids?"

Usually, I hear them bleat which gets louder once I come into plain sight.  However, the other day, there was no need for me to visit.  The had company.  The flock of wild turkeys tiptoed quickly into the woods as I approached. 

Between us, 
I plan on calling them "kids" FOREVER...:)

I try to bring them a snack or two.  As of now, they really seem to like the leaves from the Bittersweet that I pull off as I trek through the woods.

Millie, that little rascal, climbed onto my back the last time I was there.  I sit on one of their boulders and Otis always...and I always...begins nibbling on my shorts, shoes or shirt.  Millie goes for the hair!

just seeing, saying and sharing...

So, Where's My Kids

with you and those at


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