
When I scooted out last week to go shopping, I got myself a great deal.  On my way to Target, I stopped at Ocean State Job Lot to look for a particular kind of annual seed.  Did they have the seed?  No.  However...(there's that word again and you know what that means, right?...another story.

 as I wandered around the store, I found rain-wear in the Men's Department!  There I stood in the isle sliding the pants up and over my capris to see if the fit and were long enough.  Stepping into the elastic waist, pull on, charcoal gray men's rain pants which had elastic at the cuffs as well as a nice Velcro tab to tighten even further, which is totally what I need when I tuck the pants in my boots.  (This time of the year, regardless of how warm it is, I always try to "tick-proof, bug-proof" myself if I'm in the woods.)  Once I tried on the jacket, excited about my bargains, I headed to the registers!

So now we have to fast forward to the crux of this post so forget Target...forget the seeds.  

Two days later it was raining and time for me to be in the woods.  Putting on my new "Waterproof...Windproof" pants and carefully tucking them securely in my boots, I placed my camo cap sprayed with Off on my head, put on my new jacket and headed out the door.

Yes, my mission was successful.

  Yes, I saw the Eagles, observing them for nearly two hours as the rain fell (which will be another story).  Yes, my rain suit was indeed waterproof.    Yes, it was now time to walk home.    Feeling a little "gasy," as I climbed over the large, downed pine limbs, and without notice, a few you know whats slipped out, but I thought, "thank goodness I'm outside and no one is with me," continuing on the path.  

Once in the door, as I told the Pres about what transpired with the Eagles (and that will be another story) I removed my jacket.  Then, pulling down the elastic waist pants, the odor of "gas" hit me in the face.

The Pres and I agreed on something that day.
  My new pants are both "Waterproof and Windproof...
inside and out..."

"just saying and sharing..."
that you never know just how windproof something is, unless, of course, there's wind!

Our World Tuesday


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