The Locals Let Go

Letting go is hard.  Letting go takes love.  

We've all heard those expressions and know how they relate to everyday life, right?


I've been spotting a lot of Herons while I've been running errands lately.

it would be pretty cool to see a nest, don't you think? 
 Now, I just have to remember where I've seen them so I can go back to see what they're up to once in a while.

They, like us, seem to be more relaxed as they wade the shoreline. That's my favorite place when I kayak...drifting along the shorelines and just letting go

'just saying and sharing..."

However, I've also been listening to the conversations and watching these too...
dodging Hawks and 

(are you ready?)

letting go in mid air!!!
(and you know what I mean by letting go, right?)
When was the last time you saw an Eagle let go in mid-air?

Well, I saw it happen...right over my yard.
I think they saw how hard we worked and were helping us fertilize...:)
Gosh, isn't life grand?!


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