Sunlight Changes Everything

Looking North from our yard is another tall, slender White Pine.  During our snowstorm two weeks ago, when I looked at it, the tippy top appeared brown.

I took a few pix to show the Pres just in case it was diseased.

I was wrong.

It is not brown at all.
The sun was playing tricks on me.  It is Truly Green.

Our World Tuesday

Did you know that you can identify the type of Pine by the number of needles per fascicle?
Just remember:  5 needles = W, H, I, T, E

"Pines are often categorized based on number of needles per fascicle, or bundle.  Eastern white pine is a five-needled pine, while pitch pine is a three-needled pine and red pine, Scotch pine, Austrian pine and Japanese black pine are all two-needled pines." 


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