Resident Plumbers

Although they are not available for hire, "the two resident plumbers" certainly made my day a little dryer. Since I've been in Spring cleaning mode lately, I decide to clean under the kitchen sink. I began the process like anyone else...taking out everything and setting it on old towels I'd spread on the floor next to me.

I hadn't removed too much when I noticed that the covers on some of the products were wet. The Pres and Luke were watching a movie...Hidalgo...since Luke had never seen it. "Honey, we have some water spots on the press-board under this cabinet."

"What cabinet? What are you talking about? 
 Are you sure you didn't spill something?" said the Pres as he followed Luke into the kitchen. 

"Oh, that doesn't look good, JP. When was the last time you cleaned under there?" asked Luke.

I laughed really hard...which pretty much summed up my answer.

Anyway, within a few hours because of a trip to get "plumbers putty" and a boot tray that now holds all the products, the left side of the kitchen sink was back in tip top shape.

A few days later, Luke asked me if I had checked the drain and if it was leaking.

My answer? I laughed really hard, then said, "No, I have  faith in my resident plumbers. I don't need to check...they're local."

Sharing My Resident Plumbers with you and

Oh, one more thing.
Have you looked under your sink lately?


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