Red Bird, Red Bird

Although we really didn't have much of a Winter, I hoped and I waited.

And waited...

and waited.

Here it is February and finally, during one of the recent snowstorms, they showed up.

When I saw the flash of red against the snow, I nearly killed myself trying to get to the camera!

My MIL loved these birds. They remind me of her.

 They also remind me of my grand daughter.  In fact, here's another juicy tidbit. 
When Mia was a baby, I came up here to watch her until she was old enough to go to day care.  One day, while holding her, a beautiful red Cardinal appeared in the tree.  
Making up the words to a little tune as I went along, she and I swayed to the music.
Now,at the age of seven, she asks me to sing "Red Bird".
She loves it. 

Red Bird, Red Bird in the sky
Red Bird, Red Bird fly so high.
Red Bird, Red Bird in the tree,
Red Bird, Red Bird fly to me.

Red Bird, Red Bird in the air
Red Bird, Red Bird way up there
Red Bird, Red Bird do you see
How much love there is in me?

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