Exercise, Fake Goose and Sunshine

Will one of you just kick me in the head?!  Did you know that when you haven't worked out in 3 1/2 weeks, you cannot resume the weights and resistance where you left off!? 

Hmmmm...on my first day back to the gym, I couldn't even finish all twenty machines that I normally do.  I ran out of steam!!  Sure,, the elliptical was not as bad as I thought it was going to be so I used that time to strategically plan my workout.  At least I did avoid the machines that use my shoulders because of the strain from the accident.  Yet all the other equipment I tackled full speed, using the same weights/resistance I had been  using a month ago.  One of the ab machines killed me, barely making it through two sets! 

However that day, once I was home, my arms felt like rubber and the following day, my abs were killing me.  I couldn't laugh, sit straight up...gosh they were sore.  

My second workout for last week proved much better and not as uncomfortable afterward.  Over the weekend I cleaned and baked.  I felt like Spring was on it's way with a renewed level of energy that I got from exercising.

Apparently I wasn't the one one who was in the mood for housework.  The Pres went to to do a few things in his garage  while I was outside with the dogs picking up some of the many branches that have come down because of the recent high winds.

Yet it's those same high winds that have helped melt our snow,revealing all sorts of new things coming up.  In fact, see the plant near the head of the "fake goose"?  I didn't plant it there. Good old Mother Nature put it there.  It is one of my varieties of Sedum...Antique Grill, which I got from a friend while I lived in Virginia.  Apparently, it likes "the North, Dorothy...LOL!  And speaking of Southern Plants liking the North, my Virginia Bluebells are coming up everywhere in the garden beds...:)

Sharing it all (Exercise, Fake Goose and Sunshine) with you and those at


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