Carrying The Load

Although the title may seem a little odd, you'll understand it better by the time you get to the end of the post.


Thursday afternoon...time to go outside with the dogs for our afternoon "walk-about."  This is where the three of us meander around the yard.  I scoop poop and they get their juices flowing by doing a lot of sniffing, hence making more poop for me to scoop.

Apparently, we've had rabbits coming in the yard again because both Moon and Copper are experts when it comes to finding rabbit turds.  I don't like it when they get to the little poop-balls before I do because they eat them!  Ewwwwww....yuck!

However, in speaking with a good friend and dog lover, I was told that rabbits are vegetarians and it's "okay for them to eat  rabbit poop."  Ewwwwww....yuck!

Making my way around the yard, I noticed that Moon had just taken a big dump.  Pushing it up onto the larger shovel with the smaller one, I walked over to the spot where we have the "doggie dooly" and plop, I was done.

But I kept on smelling poop.  Doing a quick boot check revealed nothing.  Examining the shovels revealed nothing.  It seemed the fragrance was behind me.

Ewwwww....YUCK!  I found it.

Apparently when I headed back to the house and hoisted the small flat shovel up and over my shoulder, a little plop of poop fell into my hood.

Sharing Carrying The Load with you and those at

and in case you're interested in the methods of pet waste disposal, here's a link that helps


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