Mother Of Eleven

Another opportunity arose for me to spend time with Mia and I jumped at it even though it meant getting up earlier than normal and driving the hour and a half in the fog to get to her house.  We have fun!

Among other things (and I mean a lot of other things), we played store, where I was the store owner and Mia was a mother shopping for her children. She shopped in the family room and her bedroom bringing items for me to "hold while she shopped." Finally, I just had to ask.

These are a lot of gifts. How many children do you have, Mrs P?
Her response was nonchalant. I have eleven kids...five girls, four boys, one baby girl and one baby boy. (I still wonder why the babies are not counted in the girl/boy count.)

And so, the small mother of eleven 
placed her children's gifts under the Christmas tree.


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