You Gotta Love A Ham

Our trip was wonderful...absolutely magical, in fact.

However, tonight is Halloween so I wanted to tell you a little story (what else is new?)

A few years ago, one of my favorite bloggers displayed a wooden pumpkin that she bought (if I remember correctly) at a tag sale.  Well, I fell in love with it!  Emailing Nancy for details, when she answered me, the Pres and I made three...the three in this pic.

You screw together the wood to the desired thickness.
(i.e. the one in the back is two boards, while the front two are three boards thick)
Notch the corners with the saw.
Spray paint with outdoor paint.
Drill a hole the diameter of the dried stem you use.

Adorable, right?

Well, before we left for vacation our friend Luke and his daughter (my house/dog sitter) stopped by for last minute instructions.  He commented on the pumpkins sitting on the front porch.  Later that day, he and his honey (Laura) came by and the Pres gave him a bunch of scrap wood while I ran to get the spray paint.

Adorable, right?

Oh, the dog?  He's extra!
Brutus insisted on sitting there when Luke took the pix. So today, I'm sharing the story, the pumpkins and the fact that you gotta love a little ham.


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