With Hands Folded

Remember me telling you about planting grass seed along the walkway earlier in the Spring only to discover the Pres "raking it in a little better" when I came home earlier than normal from the gym?

Well, whether it was his touch or mine, it is growing, which is all that matters at this point!  And, as you can see, I have been busy trimming the low lying branches on the trees in the yard, stopping just long enough to enjoy the garden beds.  

Then this weekend, I sat and DID NOTHING which is when I was able to catch "Red" back at her antics.  Does she look pregnant to you?  

Although, at this time, I am not sure of what life will be like post surgery for the Pres and I, I am hoping that I have some time to blog.  I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.  However, while I have your attention, I would like to thank all of you for your wonderful thoughts, words and support through it all...:)  So, with my hands folded across my chest like little "Red," I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Sharing with you and those at


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