What's New In The Garden

Although this may sound silly to you, I am giving you a heads up.  Perhaps you already knew about this and hadn't thought it a worthy topic.  Me?  I'm sharing.

 In our yard, I have a Columbine that is so full in the Spring that it must be nearly two feet wide and mounding to nearly two feet.  Producing beautiful multitudes of flowers, it loves where it is and always does me proud.

In addition to that one, I have others scattered around the yard in the other beds and along my stone wall.

Columbine is so easy to grow especially in woodland gardens.  Having several varieties, I collect the seed and have shared it with many people over my gardening life.

However, Monday when I got home from the gym, as I wandered around the yard looking at what's new in the garden, I saw this...
this nakedness...this devastation...this disaster of a plant!

Yes, this was that Columbine!
 Although the stems of the flowers were unscathed and had begun to bloom, the plant itself had been reduced to mere nothingness with the exception of THREE...maybe FIVE (because I was too annoyed to actually count them!!) leaves!!

Next mission...Google and the results were amazing...just what I needed.
  (Columbine Sawfly LarvaeGarden Guide to get you started but there's a ton of info!)

Mixing up a batch of the soapy mixture and spraying the heck out of each and every Columbine, I couldn't help but notice what's new in the garden were shriveling up and some even appeared to be doing the back stroke beneath the partially eaten leaves.

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Nature's Notes

Our World Tuesday

Oh, one more thing.
Even the Pres nearly fell over when he saw what was new in the garden!!!


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