Meet The Locals

Blogging has taught me a lot.  Well actually, my followers have taught me a lot.

For instance, thanks to Eileen, I learned to look for Pine Siskins.

So tell me.

Is that, in fact, a Pine Siskin?

From a bunch of blogger friends (Tex, Lisa, Gail) I learned about snakes...good ones, bad ones.

So when this little one was hanging out in the leaf litter near the fence, I didn't bat an eye.  In fact, it's nice to see it  getting bigger each day.

Good to have around...:)

And then someone out there told me to watch for the scout to show up before the the others.

Sure enough, not long ago the scout showed up and sat on his old perch in front of the fence.  The sugar water was ready and waiting to satisfy his pallet.

The  Eastern Phoebe, who also loves the fences, comes every year and builds a nest on the ledge of the pillar on front porch.  And every year, either the kids fall out or the nest falls down and it breaks my heart to see the little ones perish after they work so hard to build. knew there was a HOWEVER, right?

Well, this year, thanks to the addition of the new garage and it's exterior staircase, the Easter Phoebes have built in a much safer, more protected location.  It should make for great child rearing.

Sharing a few of the locals with you and those at

Oh, and the fences?  Thanks to the Pres, they're local too!


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