Yesterday Mattered

Yesterday the Pres had a follow-up appointment with his Cardiologist.

Yesterday was twelve days after his second Electric Cardioversion, which, if you remember, was successful in gaining a normal heartbeat eliminating the AFib.

Yesterday was a busy day for us even before his appointment.

Yesterday, the Pres still had a regular heartbeat...the AFib did not return over the twelve days. We were elated!

"Time for the next step," the Cardiologist said smiling. Scheduling an Echocardiogram to get the full picture of the Pres' heart, we return to the doctor in a few weeks, who will review the results with us. IF his heart has "healed" enough, then the next step is to meet with the surgeon who will "tell us the good, the bad and the ugly" about open heart surgery and valve replacement.

Yesterday was wonderful!

Yesterday we celebrated.




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