What A Gift

Yesterday, the Pres and I went to get his "birthday gift."

Nothing fancy.

Something simple.

Quite practical too.

His heart monitor.


Here's to many, many more ...:)

So, while it keeps a close eye on the Pres' seventy year old heart, I am keeping an eye on the skies.  Why?

  Because the pair of Eagles was in my yard.  When I came out with the dogs, they were perched on a limb on the South side of the house.  In a split second, one shrieked and they were airborne, sailing and soaring together like two raptors in love!

Of course, that was all before we went to Newport to celebrate the Pres' birthday at

"The Red Parrot Restaurant, where I had the BEST Calamari Caesar Salad with Jalapeno Peppers ever and the Pres enjoyed broiled Lobster/Sole with Jasmine Rice!

(Needless to say, the only "fence" I have is the one on the bridge when we were leaving the island.)

Sharing with you and those at


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