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Tired of being in the house all Winter and since it was so darn cold this week because of the 30-50 mph winds from Canada (thank YOU very much), I really didn't know what I was going to show you today for critters.


Then I noticed my fox!  No longer buried completely, there he was looking right at me.

Note:  Do you see the wind chime on the ground?  Thanks to those high winds, it, too, is now waiting for me to save it.

For being concrete, I think he looks real, don't you?
  Or have I really been in the house too long?

Then there's the Geese.  One has emerged victorious above the snow while the other still has yet to show it's face.

Well, that's it for now.  There was no way I could have even used my snowshoes when I wrote this.  The wind is so strong it would have pushed me like the sail of a boat!!

And of course, yesterday was the first day of Spring.  It snowed...:)  Joy, joy.

Sharing with you and those at


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