It's In The Cards

Last weekend while taking pix with my little Nikon something went wrong...terribly wrong. Hitting the review button to look at the pix I'd just taken, all I saw was a completely dark screen. None of the other buttons or functions worked, including the on/off switch. I did the next best thing.

Popping open the battery chamber, I carefully removed and reinserted the battery. Voila! The lens retracted and it shut off. I took a few more pix. Same thing. And I used the same process to shut it down. Monday, after coming home from the gym that was the first thing on my list...beside eating, of course!

Nikon customer service, who I have never called before, was wonderful. Walking me through a few specific steps to reset the camera to it's original settings, he then had me remove the SD card. Asking me what brand it was, he then told me that it was not one of the tested and approved brands to be used with my camera!


Telling him that I'd been using it since April, he gave me the list of approved SD cards, one of which I had on hand as spares. So we conducted a little test and inserted the spare SD card. My little Nikon worked just fine...perfect, in fact!  It was back to it's wonderful self.  Suggesting that I remove the photos from the card and then reformat it with the camera once we hung up, the original card now works as well.

My "hats off" thank you to Nikon's customer service for helping me. He was so polite and thorough, smiling through the entire conversation. Looking forward to getting the survey to rate him and Nikon, I would definitely recommend both!

Did you know that your camera may
have a list of approved SD Card manufacturers?

Sharing with you and


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