Feeling Pretty Special

Ever since I began watching birds, the Rose Breasted Grosbeak was among my favorites.  Waiting patiently each Spring for it to make it's appearance, I'd catch a glimpse every now and then.  That was both when we lived in CT and VA.

They never stuck around long.  Maybe a week or so.

Much to my surprise, this year for whatever reason they hung around for weeks.  Taken in June, some of the pix are not the best, but they sure made me smile...:)

Here it is nearly the end of July and I still have them.

Scratching and picking at the seed on the ground and at the feeders.

Although I don't know if they nested, I do see them fly into the woods through the underbrush.

Did you know that they build flimsy nests?
Find more here:  Rose Breasted Grosbeak
And maybe they did nest here.
  I saw that CT is one of their nesting territories with woodlands and brush.
Believe me, we have both!

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