The Good Life...Not Wife

I've been a tad negligent with blogging lately and actually feel guilty about it.  Is there a thing called "busy"?  Or is it called "preoccupied"?  Whatever it is, I have to get myself on a better schedule.

WHAT do I forfeit now that warmer weather is here?

Am coffee?

Walking with the dogs?

The gym three times a week?


Tai Chi two nights a week?


My wifely tasks like cleaning, baking, cooking?  PICK THIS!  PICK THIS!

Riding in my new, but gently used. golf cart?

Oh, didn't I tell you?  The Pres and I made the decision to purchase my MIL's golf cart from her estate.  Mom used it for working around the yard and driving down to the greenhouses where we get our plants from in Cheshire.  My FIL had added a platform, a small boxed in bed with a removable rear panel for easy unloading, in the rear to hold branches, sticks, rocks to make life easier for Mom when she was alive.

Riding in it makes me feel like Mama is right next to me.
Placing a few garden tools and gloves right under the dash, where she used to keep hers, I climbed in and cranked the electric motor.
It felt like she was sitting right next to me!
When I donned her sunhat and saw a pair of Cardinals, I was hooked...:)
Mom always had a calming effect.

Sharing the good life with you and those at

So, what do you think I should give up...hmmmmm?


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