Clean Air

Connecticut's Last Green Valley

The Last Green Valley is two things - it's the 35-town National Heritage Corridor in eastern Connecticut and south-central Massachusetts, and it’s also your member-supported, non-profit stewardship organization working locally to celebrate our heritage, conserve our natural resources, and respect our working lands.

Needless to say, out here in "the Quiet Corner", there are lots of trees, rolling hills, countryside and fresh air.  Varying my route to and from Tai Chi, I pass by such bucolic surroundings that I just have to stop and savor.  Getting out of the car and inhaling deeply suddenly it hits me...
fresh manure!!!

Cough, cough, gag, gag, choke, choke...

Moving on and entering class smiling, I can't help but wonder if I reek of manure or if it's just lingering in my nostrils.  Yet no one seems to be offended by my presence.

"Lets do some gentle crane stretches to begin with," our instructor states.
Suddenly my mind is drawn to the present and the smell of manure vanishes.

What do you do when you smell fresh manure?
(This ought to invoke some great comments!!)

Sharing with you and those at


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