An Opportunist

Watching this pair play and tease each other around the old cedar tree in the woods was so funny.

Since I don't have a clue who is male and who is female all I could do was leave their antics to my imagination. Spring is in the air and before too long hopefully I'll see little ones soon.

 She would scurry up the trunk and scoot into the hole.  A second, maybe two later, she would pop her head out then in again, each time leaning out a tad farther.

Waiting for him to come around from the back of tree, she got impatient.

Stepping out onto the branch and placing her tail up against the trunk, she waited.

 Then like magic disappeared.

However, according to what I've read, these adorable antics I witnessed are from from romanic.  Squirrels do not mate for life and a female will...well lets just the wild thing, with just about any male within range.  Now here's the kicker.  Once mating is completed, the males bolt, skipping off in search of yet another opportunity.

Sharing the cuteness (and some facts) with you and those at


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