Wild...Just Plain Wild

Not far from our resort and on the way to the beach, there is an area I discovered that borders the bird sanctuary. Wondering if I could get any decent pix, I wandered a little closer because I had seen a Snow Egret as well as the Red Throated Heron over the past few days.

Did I just see a FIN?  Holy moose-poops!!  It is a fin!!
Hmmmm...what is that swimming in the water???

Oh, crap!!  There's another one farther out!!

And there's another one. 
 Hmmmm...perhaps that is why I am not seeing any birds!!!

I was later told by a long time Aruban resident that tarpon live in this brackish water and get quite large (60-200 lbs or more!!!). Tarpon survive in this type of water which has less saline than the sea but more than fresh water and sometimes...

they get hungry if there is insufficient food for them!!!

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